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I love reading romance books (can't get enough of them) any sub genre of romance PNR/UF, RS , YA and NA. Most of my free time is spend reading because I view it as a hobby and entertainment.

Currently reading

Wildest Dreams
Kristen Ashley
Sentinels: Lion Heart (Sentinels #2)
Doranna Durgin
Demon Night
Meljean Brook

Tempting the Bodyguard

Tempting the Bodyguard - J. Lynn, Jennifer L. Armentrout Review date: 02 Aug 2014

Here's the deal, you wait for a book to come out for TWO years and when it release your all like:

While it was good since its written by JLA it always is. I expected a bit more of umm spazz or something more banter/ more Assholeness. Especially since book 1 and book two were really great.

Some random thoughts:

Though the book has all the right stuff for a good contemporary humor/sexy times/Asshole or bad boy hero....you know how the list goes. It just missed some things for me that could have made it a great read. I also would have liked Alana to have shown a bit more of a the uptight and prissy side in the book (don't judge me, that's what made her different) though I get that she was in danger, frightened and because of the plot line we didn't get to see that side I just missed it. It was still enjoyable, fun to read and I would recommend to the series fans since we have all been waiting for this book for a long time.