I love reading romance books (can't get enough of them) any sub genre of romance PNR/UF, RS , YA and NA. Most of my free time is spend reading because I view it as a hobby and entertainment.
Rating ~ 3.75 Stars Avg.
This anthology is by Four author who have successful PNR series going on and it so happens, I've read all those series and really liked them so when I saw that they had a book coming out it was no brainier to get it.
General synopsis of the series is that they are two species, the Incubi and the Nephilim who need each other to procreate and their survival since the Incubi are all males and the Nephilim all females. Most of this procreation does not happen as a result of mating but in harem where some Nephilim are chosen to serve the Incubi and carry the children, the female children are kept by the Nephilim and the males ones by the Incubi. The Incubi's have masters of houses (hence the name of the book) and in this anthology we see four of the masters find their 'mates' and fall in love or vice versa. So all the books have a certain element of instant love/sexual attraction since they are all relatively short. And without which I don't think the stories would have worked so well. The books should also be read in order to understand since they precede the events of the previous books and help to understand the Arch of the series.
Merciless: House of Gravori by Lara Adrian: Rating~ 3.5 stars.
This is the first story in the book and where we meet Devlin (Master of the Incubi house Gravori) and Nahiri (a Nephilim blade, a warrior of Nephilim. Devlin visits the temple where three Nephilim priestesses hold court, he wants vengeance for his brothers death and since the priestesses don't give the truth he kidnaps Nahiri to avenge his brother's death but this leads him to falling in love and finding out the conspiracy, that is the overarching plot of the whole series.
Soulless: House of Romerac by Donna Grant: Rating ~ 4 stars.
This story is Canaan (Master of Romerac) who escapes from the prison where he was kept for the last five hundred years because of his brothers betrayal and Rayna (a Nephilim) who leaves her family to live in a small village because she does not want to be 'chosen' for the harem like her twin sister. Rayna helps Canaan reach his home and during this time they grew close and fall in love.
Shameless: House of Vipera by Laura Wright: Rating ~ 3 stars
This story is slightly different as Scarus (Master of Vipera) is growing weak because he has not had sex since the Nephilim he had a child with died and hence is visiting the harem where he meets Rosamund (a Nephilim) who does not want to be in the harem but rather with her human boyfriend who she left when she was chosen hence she changes her appearance to appear dirty and ugly like the witch from snow white :P and is waiting for the year to be over so that she could go back her human. Scarus and Rosamund share a connection when they meet even though they both don't want to. The only thing that bugged me about this was after waiting almost an year to return to her human Rosamund quickly falls in love with Scarus, it made her seem a bit fickle in my opinion.
Ruthless: House of Xanthe by Alexandra Ivy: Rating ~ 4 stars
Jian (Master of Xanthe) is an spy who is looking into the conspiracy and gathering information on it when he ends up in the gate leading to the prison where Canaan was kept and meets Muriel (the Mistress of the prison) who we meet in the second book in the series. They unearth some secrets while trying to escape the prison and falling in love.
The stories are all relatively short, enjoyable and easy to read. It also did not take very long to finish reading all of them.
Rating~3.5 stars.
This is the kind of book you want to read when your traveling, on holiday or really need a break from all the angsty and emotional roller coaster books. Even though the blurb makes it sound like there will be alot of angst with regards to Laine being in love with her sisters boyfriend and Kyle's best friend (Brad), this is not the case.
Its a funny and light hearted read about Laine (a lwayer) who has low self esteem and confidence in everyday life while having great confidence and proud of the work she does and Kyle (a journalist) who is a manwhore when we are first introduced to him but later we learn the reasons why (which always makes sense to the guy in the book
but really it doesnt) Moving on Kyle and Laine meet on a setup date by Brad and later on become best friends and lovers. There are some hilarious moments and some that make you go 'Awwww'.
The only hiccup i had was i did not really understand why Laine was being submissive to her family but god they were spiteful and treated Laine in a behavior not unlike you would to a unwanted animal when she hadnt done anything wrong, if anything they should be nicer to her because it wasnt her fault that her mother was a gold digger and wanted to marry a rich guy, Laine father
why would Laine even want them to a be part of her life was beyond me. Nevertheless the book leaves you with a huge simile and a happy sigh.
Quick Review
Rating~ 3 Stars
Shane Quesada and Maya who we meet both in the last book seem interesting characters especially Shane so I was looking forward to their story since they are completely opposite in their demeanor. While Maya is not the spoiled/ childish brat we think she is from the last book she does some questionable behavior and makes stupid choices which was annoyed me and it took me days to finish the book. Eventually I got passed it. This book is low on angst though which a plus because now a days that is hard to find.
Minor quibble: Apart from Maya's behavior I expected a bit more of why she did not remember her human life than the reason given.
I was really excited before this book came out and though i liked it, I didn't like it as much as I'd hope I would (hate when that happens).
Nevertheless I will read the next book in the series which is about the DJ, Sabine and her werewolf prince Killian Vampires Never Cry Wolf because we see some sparks and some animosity there which I do like to read.
ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review
Rating~ 4.25 Stars
Sometimes your just minding your own business looking for good book to read and BAAM you find a book you really love so what do you do next, get the next one in the series obviously!!! Especially if its by Lauren Layne cause I am pretty sure now that she can write anything and I'll read it.
Meet Olivia Middleton who was kind of the bad guy in the last book in the prequel 'Isn't She Lovely', Ethan's ex-girlfriend and Paul Langdon who is a war veteran, a recluse, disfurged, damaged and so not the old guy Olivia thought she was going to be taken care of to earn penance. Both of the characters are fighting their own demons and drowning in guilt hence the title 'BROKEN' because in all honestly that's what they believe they are.
But the difference that's obvious from the first page is that that Olivia wants to fix herself and stop being that person she was while Paul does not want that at all and does not want Olivia to help him because he doesn't need any.
Pauls father forces him to accept 'care giving' from Olivia as a one last chance to bring back to life and from then on we see witty banter, some catty comments, some sweet moments, pushing and hurting each other ,some emotional moments and through all this falling in LOVE. With Paul finally feeling hope because of Olivia.
Paul: "She makes me forget to breathe. She makes me forget everything."
This book is a roller coaster ride that makes you glad you experienced it which ends with leaving you with a simile,happy and content.
Minor quibble: I do wish Lauren Layne had given us an epilogue.Other than that I 'hope' you read the book as soon as it releases. Happy reading.
Rating ~ 4 stars
So guess what I wrote this review and poof the next thing you know its all gone and none of it was saved *sigh* This is a summary of that review now since I am not going to write the whole thing again.
IF you are a fan of Lauren layne's Sex, love and Stiletto series you will definitely enjoy this NA book/series as well.
This story is about Ethan Price ('nauseatingly charming' in Stephanie's words) and Stephanie Kendrick ('goth' in Ethan's words) who are going through a rough patch in their life and though they are poles apart in their personalities they are both rebelling in their own way, trying to move on and mostly importantly i felt trying to forget. They are both attending a summer class/project in which they chose to be partners I know a such a cliche plot right ? but it works, more than that its fun, engaging and entertaining to read.
From the first moment they meet where they exchange barbs by stereotyping one another to the end, this reader was never bored and you feel for both of what they went through and their struggles. Some of the NA books can be shallow but that was not the case with this one.
Minor quibbles (view spoiler) Alls well that ends well.
I enjoyed this book so much that I requested the second of the series so I am off to read that one now.